About Us
Company Profile

Leamax has been estabilshed since 1990. Our main products are PLCC sockets, SMT socket, PinHeader, FemaleHeader, ICSocket(1.27mm,2.0mm,2.54mm), BoxHeader,Battery Holder, Power Jack,Ear Phone Jack and other connectors.
With 20 factory workers, our production capacity is 1.5million pieces per month, This includeds mold-mode, plastic-mode, semi-auto assembly, and fully-auto assembly sockets.
Our customers are divided into two caterogies; one is computer, communication companies, and hardware appliance manufacturers in Taiwan.
The second consists of international selling agents.
We have established a "National Trade Department" within our company with maintains close contact with our international customers, This will help us to produce higher quality products at a lower price and secure our position as one of the leading compaines in this field.
We hope we have an opportunity to set up a relationship with you in future.Your valuable opinions will be highlly appreciated.
Best regards,
Sales Manager